Cooperation In The Family İngilizce Test 2

ÖNEMLİ NOT: Aşağıda verilen test eski müfredata aittir. YENİ MÜFREDATA uygun testler için İNGİLİZCE TESTLERİ sayfamızı ziyaret ediniz.

Soru 1
We haven't watched a horror film.............

A) ever
B) just
C) already
D) lately ABCD

Soru 2
Have you tidied up your room ..............?

A) ever      B) never      C) just      D) yet ABCD

Soru 3
Choose the wrong one.

A) 1      B) 2      C) 3      D) 4 ABCD

Soru 4
Choose the odd one.

A) swim
B) taken
C) spent
D) got ABCD

Soru 5
Amy: ............... has bought the newspaper?
Lora: Mike

A) Whose
B) What
C) Who
D) Which ABCD

Soru 6
Chicken with rice.

A) Who has cooked for lunch?
B) Where have you been?
C) How much rice have you cooked?
D) What have you cooked for lunch? ABCD

Soru 7
You must go to the bank .......... .

A) to wash the dishes
B) to pay the bills
C) to go shopping
D) to do the washing up ABCD

Soru 8
Could you help with my ........?
Sorry, I have no idea about Gedogy.

A) computer
B) project
C) problem
D) work ABCD

Soru 9
Why didn't you call me last night?
........................... .

A) because I have no idea.
B) because I had a backache.
C) because I fell asleep early.
D) because I watched TV. ABCD

Soru 10
................. has spilt coffee on my shirt?

A) What
B) Where
C) Which

Soru 11
.................... mother has made the sandwiches?

A) Who
B) What
C) Whose
D) Where ABCD

Soru 12
My father has already ............. the flowers.

A) water
B) watered
C) pick
D) made ABCD

Soru 13
Choose the correct sentence.

A) Tina has called me just
B) He has been abroad.
C) We hasn't had lunch yet.
D) Have you invite your friends to the party? ABCD

Soru 14
Tim bought this bicycle last year. He has had this bicycle ............... a year.

A) in      B) since      C) for      D) by ABCD

Soru 15
Can I ........... your rubber? I forgot mine at home.

A) borrow
B) make
C) buy
D) lend ABCD


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