Computers - Surfing On The Net İNGİLİZCE TEST

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Soru 1
My grandmother thinks living in village better than living in a city because it's ..............

A) quieter
B) more dangerous
C) noisier
D) dirtierA B C D

Soru 2 Computers - Surfing On The Net İngilizce Test
People can .............. in touch with each other by the help of the internet.

A) play
B) go
C) see
D) keepA B C D

Soru 3
Children .............. their valuable time playing games online.

A) play
B) keep
C) waste
D) researchA B C D

Soru 4
You can use the computer to .............. in formation and to .............. to the internet.

A) keep / play
B) store / connect
C) store / spend
D) keep / watchA B C D

Soru 5 Computers - Surfing On The Net İngilizce Test
Which is .............. , Mercedes or Audi?

A) cheaper
B) expensive
C) cheap
D) attractiveA B C D

Soru 6
A car is .............. than a lorry.

A) smaller
B) small
C) more small
D) the smallestA B C D

Soru 7
Aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisi farklıdır?

A) keyboard
B) monitor
C) bicycle
D) mauseA B C D

Soru 8 Computers - Surfing On The Net İngilizce Test
Aşağıdaki seçeneklerden hangisi yapı olarak farklıdır?

A) good - better
B) bad - worse
C) little - less
D) cheap - cheaperA B C D

Soru 9
I find history .............. more interesting.

A) many
B) less
C) much
D) tooA B C D

Soru 10
David drives .............. carefully.

A) much
B) very
C) too
D) enoughA B C D

Soru 11
Which one is wrong.

A) large X narrow
B) thin X thick
C) weak X fat
D) sad X happyA B C D

Soru 12
She's .............. than me but.............. than my brother.

A) short / tall
B) taller / shortest
C) taller / shorter
D) shortest / tallestA B C D

Soru 13
China is .............. country in the world.

A) the most crowded
B) more crowded
C) the more crowded
D) crowdedA B C D

Soru 14
The North Pole is .............. place in the world.

A) the coldest
B) the colder
C) the most cold
D) the more coldA B C D

Soru 15
The Mississippi is .............. river in the USA.

A) longer than
B) the shortest
C) the longest
D) shorter thanA B C D


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