Soru 1
Our school is very big. There are 895 students.
Yukarıdaki cümlede altı çizili rakamın yazılışı hangi seçenekte doğru verilmiştir?

A) eight ninety-five
B) eight hundred and ninety-five
C) eight hundred and nine-five
D) eight hundred and ninety-fifty ABCD

Soru 2
“two hundred and fifty-four”
Yukarıda yazılışı verilen rakam hangisidir?

A) 2054      B) 245      C) 254      D) 2045 ABCD

Soru 3
Which day do we celebrate on 30th August?

A) Children’s Day
B) Sports and Youth Day
C) Victory Day
D) Republic Day ABCD

Soru 4
When do we celebrate the Sports and Youth Day?

A) on 19th May
B) on 29th October
C) on 30th August
D) on 23rd April ABCD

Soru 5
Which ones are religious holidays?

A) Children’s Day, New Year’s Day
B) Republic Day, Victory Day
C) Sports and Youth Day, Christmas
D) Sacrifice Feast, Ramadan Feast ABCD

Soru 6
What do we do on Ramadan Feast?

A) We perform shows.
B) We give gifts.
C) We throw a party.
D) We visit our relatives. ABCD

Soru 7
Children ................. and dancing happily now.

A) is singing
B) are singing
C) sing
D) sings ABCD

Soru 8
Görseli anlatan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
question 8
A) He is carving pumpkins.
B) He is having a chat.
C) He is cleanin the house.
D) He is eating a meal. ABCD

Soru 9
Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) Thanksgiving – turkey
B) Christmas – pine tree
C) Halloween – rabbit
D) Thanksgiving – eggs ABCD

Soru 10
“On Ramadan Feast, Children ........................ .”
Seçeneklerden hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi tamamlamak için uygun değildir?

A) go to the churches
B) wear new clothes
C) kiss their relatives
D) take money from their relatives ABCD

Soru 11
What do Indian people do on Diwali?

A) They eat turkey.
B) They decorate their houses with lights.
C) They watch horror films.
D) They eat eggs. ABCD

Soru 12
Görseli anlatan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.
question 12
A) costume party
B) Christmas tree
C) Easter bunnies
D) parade ABCD

Soru 13
Who celebrate the Thanksgiving Day?

A) Americans
B) Mexicans
C) Turkish people
D) Indians ABCD

Soru 14
Bella: ................ is Christmas?
Jack: It’s in December.

A) What      B) When
C) Who      D) Where ABCD

Soru 15
They have a dinner and give ............... to each other in the evenin on Christmas Day.

A) lights        B) bells
C) turkey      D) presents ABCD


Benzer İçerikler


5. Sınıf İngilizce 10. Ünite (Festivals) 2.Test Soruları – Yorumlar

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