7. Sınıf İngilizce Dreams Test Çöz
Sınıf & Ders : 7. Sınıf İngilizce
Ünite Adı: Dreams
Soru sayısı: 10
Konu başlıkları: 7.Ünite Dreams, hayal etmek konuları ile ilgili cevaplı test soruları içermektedir.
Soru 1
• I will graduate from university.
• I will have a good career.
• I will get married.
• I will be rich.
Boşluğa gelecek uygun başlığı seçiniz.
A) Future Jobs
B) Future Dreams
C) Future Problems
D) Future World ABCD
Soru 2
“I want to be a well-known bas guitarist in the future.”
Yukarıdaki cümleye uygun gelen resmi işaretleyiniz. ABCD
Soru 3 When I graduate from university, ……………………….
Yukarıdaki cümleyi görsele göre tamamlayınız.
A) I will have a happy family.
B) I will travel around the world.
C) I will stay at home.
D) I will live in a small city. ABCD
Soru 4 What is your dream for the future?
I will ……………. my own business in my 50s.
A) run
B) walk
C) go
D) make ABCD
Soru 5 Flying cars ……………….. our lives easier in the future.
A) are make
B) makes
C) will make
D) will makes ABCD
Soru 6
“100.000” sayının yazılışı hangisidir?
A) one thousand
B) one million
C) ten thousand
D) one hundred thousand ABCD
Soru 7
My friend will ………………………………… . She loves playing instruments.
A) be an animal protector
B) be a famous pianist
C) be a football player
D) have a happy family ABCD
Soru 8 ………………………………….
Yes, definitely. I will have a dog.
A) Will you be a doctor?
B) Will you have a pet when you have a house?
C) What will you do after school?
D) What is your dream for the future? ABCD
Soru 9
Space holidays ………………… in 10 years.
A) will start
B) will starting
C) will starts
D) won’t starting ABCD
Soru 10 Will you buy a new house next year?
……………. , but I will buy a new car.
A) Definitely
B) Yes, I will
C) No, I won’t
D) Of course ABCD
Benzer İçerikler
Dreams (7. Ünite): Cevaplı Sorular Test 2 – 7. Sınıf İngilizce
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