Soru 1
Aşağıdaki resmi anlatan kelime hangi seçenekte doğru verilmiştir? 6.sınıf 4.ünite test

A) snowy
B) rainy
C) foggy
D) cloudy A B C D

Soru 2 6.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Testleri Test 1
We can’t go on a picnic because it is .................. .

A) stormy
B) hot
C) sunny
D) nice A B C D

Soru 3
What ........... the weather like in the evening?

A) is     B) are     C) does     D) do A B C D

Soru 4
Hansel : ..................................
Gretel : It’s 21 degrees Celcius.
Yukarıdaki diyaloğu tamamlayan soru hangi seçenekte verilmiştir?

A) Is it snowy today?
B) What is the weather like?
C) How is the weather in the morning?
D) What is the temperature? A B C D

Soru 5 6.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Testleri Test 1
"How does he feel?"
Yukarıdaki soruyu resme göre cevaplayınız.

A) happy
B) sleepy
C) scared
D) upset A B C D

Soru 6
Tom ............... anxious in stormy weather.

A) feel
B) feels
C) feeling
D) don’t feel A B C D

Soru 7
Take your umbrella. It’s ................ today.

A) rainy
B) sunny
C) foggy
D) hot A B C D

Soru 8 6.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Testleri Test 1
It is ......................... .We can make a snowman.

A) snowy     B) snow     C) rainy     D) rain A B C D

Soru 9
The weather ..................... my emotions. I feel happy and energetic on sunny days.

A) feels
B) understands
C) affects
D) thinks A B C D

Soru 10
I ................ snowy and freezing days because I feel cold and moody.

A) like
B) don’t like
C) doesn’t like
D) likes A B C D

Soru 11
How .......... you feel on rainy days?

A) are     B) is     C) do     D) does A B C D

Soru 12
"What is the weather like in summer?"
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi yukarıdaki sorunun cevabı olamaz?

A) hot     B) warm     C) sunny     D) snowy A B C D

Soru 13
Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) winter – hot
B) spring – warm
C) autumn – rainy
D) summer – sunny A B C D

Soru 14
Which one is diferrent?

A) scared     B) upset     C) anxious     D) happy A B C D

Soru 15
Andy : Does the weather affect your emotions?
Clara : Yes, it does. I don’t like stormy weather. I feel scared when there is lightning. But I feel happy and energetic on sunny days. I want to go out and meet my friends.

Yukarıdaki diyaloğa göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

A) Clara likes stormy weather.
B) Clara feels happy and energetic on stormy days.
C) Clara feels scared on sunny days.
D) Clara wants to go out on sunny days. A B C D


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