Soru 1
A neighbour calls and she wants to speak to your mom, but your mom is sleeping at that time.
What do you say?

Duruma uygun düşen cümleyi işaretleyiniz.

A) Don’t hang up the phone, please. I’ll put you through her.
B) It’s a bad line. Could you speak louder, please?
C) I’m afraid she is not available at the moment.
D) I’ll get back to you in an hour. A B C D

Soru 2 8.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Testleri Cevaplı Test 2
Sandra: How do you usually ...................... with your friends?
Meg: I usually use social networking sites.

A) write a letter
B) telephone
C) keep in touch
D) send a postcard A B C D

Soru 3
I ................. write a letter to my friends. I think it is boring.

A) always
B) often
C) usually
D) hardly ever A B C D

Soru 4
Alex: Will we meet at the park at 2.30 p.m. today?
Elif: Of course. ……………………………

Diyaloğa uygun gelen seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) I’ll be there on time.
B) I think I’ll be late.
C) I won’t go to the park.
D) I’ll be there at 5 p.m.A B C D

Soru 5 8.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Testleri Cevaplı Test 2
Can I speak to Ali, please?
I’m sorry. He’s not at home now. …………………………………
Yes, please. Can you tell him to contact with me. It’s about the school project.

Diyaloğu tamamlayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) Can you repeat that, please?
B) Can you speak louder, please?
C) Can I speak to my friend, please?
D) Would you like to leave a message?A B C D

Soru 6
Can you hold .......................... ?

A) available at the moment
B) on a moment, please
C) to leave a message
D) to Mary, please A B C D

Soru 7
........................ your name and number, please?

A) Could I speak
B) Could you ask
C) Would you like
D) Could I take A B C D

Soru 8 8.Sınıf İngilizce 4.Ünite Testleri Cevaplı Test 2
………………………………. It’s a bad line.

A) Hang on a minute.
B) Please don’t hang up the phone.
C) I can’t hear you very well.
D) Spell your name and surname, please.A B C D

Soru 9
Wendy: Hello. Is Thomas there?
Linda: .....................?
Wendy: Wendy Smith.

A) Would you like to leave a message?
B) Could I ask who’s calling?
C) Can I speak to Thomas?
D) Can you repeat that, please? A B C D

Soru 10
Hi Ahmet,
Elif and I are going to go to a rock concert in the city centre on Saturday. I know you like rock music. Would you like to come with us? We are going to meet at the train station at 6 p.m. I hope you can make it. Take care.

Yukarıdaki metinle ilgili hangisi söylenemez?
A) Can is the sender of the email.
B) Ahmet is the receiver of the email.
C) Elif and Can are going to go to a rock concert.
D) The email is about the slumber party. A B C D


8.Sınıf İngilizce Testleri » 4.Ünite (Communication) 2.Test Soruları için yapılan yorumlar

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